Good Names for White Horses: Find the Perfect Title for Your Majestic Companion

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Written By James King

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Looking for good names for white horses? A completely white horse with pink skin and a pink nose is known as an albino, while one with white fur and gray areas is considered a gray horse.

Some popular names for white horses include Pegasus, Artax, Secretariat, and Snowy Belle. White horses have a special significance in mythology, with the white winged horse Pegasus being a prominent figure in Greek mythology. Whether you prefer names inspired by mythology or elegant names like Angel and Crystal, finding the perfect name for your white horse can add to their beauty and grace.

Explore our list of top white horse names for inspiration and choose a name that reflects the unique charm of your majestic companion.

Good Names for White Horses: Find the Perfect Title for Your Majestic Companion

Finding The Perfect Title

When choosing a name for your white horse, it’s essential to find the perfect title that captures their beauty and spirit. Below, explore some ideas and inspiration for unique and meaningful names for your magnificent white equine companion.

Unique White Horse Names

  • Cloud
  • Casper
  • Angel
  • Champagne
  • Heaven
  • Crystal

White Horse Breeds

  • Camarillo White Horse
  • Arabian Horse
  • Camargue Horse
  • Percheron
  • Boulonnais Horse
  • American Cream Draft

What To Call White Horses

A horse with a completely pink nose, pink skin around the eyes, and completely white fur is called an albino. While a horse with a gray nose or gray around the eyes is considered a gray horse, not a white horse.

Mythical White Horse Names

In Greek mythology, the white winged horse Pegasus was the son of Poseidon and the gorgon Medusa, symbolizing beauty and grace.

Top Names For White Horses

  • Cloud
  • Casper
  • Angel
  • Champagne
  • Heaven
  • Crystal


Good Names for White Horses: Find the Perfect Title for Your Majestic Companion

Good Names for White Horses: Find the Perfect Title for Your Majestic Companion

Frequently Asked Questions Of Good Names For White Horses

What Do You Call White Horses?

A white horse with pink skin and white fur is called an albino. A white horse with gray nose or eye markings is considered a gray horse.

What Is The Proper Name For A White Horse?

The proper name for a white horse with a completely pink nose, pink skin around the eyes, and completely white fur is an albino horse.

What Is The Name Of The Mythical White Horse?

The name of the mythical white horse is Pegasus. Pegasus was a white winged horse in Greek mythology.

What Is The Color Name For A White Horse?

A white horse is commonly referred to as an albino or a gray horse, depending on the presence of gray markings.


Incorporating unique names like “Angel,” “Cloud,” or “Champagne” can truly enhance the overall allure of your white equine companion. Selecting a name that resonates with the horse’s appearance and personality will establish a deeper connection and reinforce the bond you share.

Whether inspired by mythology or embodying elegance, the perfect name reflects the majestic essence of your white horse.

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